Administrator of personal data

ENTERPRISE INVESTORS Sp. z o.o. with registered office at: ul. Emilii Plater 53; 00-113 Warsaw, Poland, hereinafter referred to as ‘EI’, shall be the administrator of your personal data.

In cases related to the protection of personal data you can contact us by e-mail:, phone: +48 22 458 85 00; or you can send a letter to:

ENTERPRISE INVESTORS Sp. z o.o. with registered office at:
ul. Emilii Plater 53; 00-113 Warsaw, Poland

Why are we processing your personal data and what is the legal basis for it

We are processing your legal data according to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (‘GDPR’).

Personal data is processed by EI for the purpose of:

  • (i) maintaining contacts connected to the business activities of EI; maintaining correspondence or taking care of issues in response to the messages, requests, and/or applications that you send us – all based upon your given consent (legal basis: art. 6 par. 1(a) of GDPR), or (ii) concluding a contract based on your interest in our offer (legal basis: art.6. par. 1(b) of GDPR) or (iii) performance of a contract that you signed with us and based on its provisions (legal basis: art 6 par. 1(b) of GDPR);
  • Conducting information and promotion activities – processing personal data is necessary to the legitimate interests of EI that result from its statutory objectives (legal basis: art 6 par. 1(f) of GDPR);
  • Creating archives (evidence) – processing personal data is a requirement for the conduct of legitimate interests of EI, namely securing information for potential use in case of a legal necessity to demonstrate facts (legal basis art. 6 par. 1(f) of GDPR);
  • Establishing potential claims, enforcing or protecting itself against claims – when processing personal data is necessary to execute the legitimate interests of EI (legal basis art. 6 par. 1(f) of GDPR);
  • Fulfilling of EI’s legal obligations under the laws of the Republic of Poland, EU laws and regulations which are generally applicable and which may be directly applicable, fulfilling obligations resulting from international contracts to which the Republic of Poland is a party, specifically to those regulations concerning the disclosure of information to law enforcement authorities and creating evidence of economic events for tax and accounting purposes (legal basis art. 6 par. 1(c) of GDPR);

What kind of personal data do we process

In the event that we collected data not from the data subject itself we process basic data allowing for identification of a given person – such as name and surname, e-mail address, and telephone number.

To whom can EI transfer your personal data and where can it be sent?
Outside of EI, who can be the recipient of your personal data?

In addition to employees, plenipotentiaries, and members of EI bodies, your personal data will be also accessible to persons and entities providing the maintenance, operation, and service of IT systems and solutions employed by EI.

Moreover, on a case-by-case basis, your personal data can be disclosed by EI to the following entities only:

  • entities or persons collaborating with EI and performing services on behalf of EI related to the delivery of correspondence and parcels, printing and archiving, communication, analytical services (including activities such as conducting satisfaction and preference surveys), telephone servicing, or
  • EI insurers, loss adjusters, or
  • entities providing EI with marketing, accounting, bookkeeping, financial, legal or tax counsel, auditing, control and debt recovery services, or
  • public entities, including courts upon justified request, or
  • public entities, including courts, entities acting with power of attorney, EI insurers and advisors, where it would be necessary to protect EI from claims or if EI wanted to enforce any claims.

Transferring of personal data outside of the European Economic Area or to international organizations

We do not transfer your personal data to anywhere outside of the European Union.

How long will EI keep your data?

Your basic personal data shall be kept by us for the purposes of direct marketing of our services until you express an objection to their processing for such a purpose, or until you withdraw your consent if we processed your data on the basis of your consent, or we determine for ourselves that the data has become obsolete.

The data that we have obtained from you for the purposes of concluding a contract shall be kept by us throughout the contract negotiation period and until the end of the calendar year after the year in which you have contacted us once in relation to that issue.

The data we have collected from you relating to the concluded contract shall be processed by us until the limitation period of any potential claims has passed or until the expiration of the legal requirement to keep your personal data, whichever of those two events will happen later.

Information about the rights available to you

The right to access your personal data

You have the right to access your personal data that we keep. Moreover, you have the right to obtain a copy of the data we have, with the limitation that the first copy is provided free-of-charge and receiving subsequent copies can be subject to a reasonable fee taking into consideration the administrative costs related to preparation of such a copy.

The right to amend your data (right of rectification)

You have the right to amend your data or, taking into consideration the purpose of processing personal data, amend any data you deem incomplete.

The right to delete data (the right to be forgotten)

If you think there are no reasons for us to process your personal data anymore, you have the right to request that we delete it.

The right to limit data processing

You can request that we limit processing of your personal data to only storing it or for the purpose of conducting activities that you communicated us beforehand, if you think that the data we possess is incorrect or that we are processing it without due reason; or if you do not want us to erase the data as it is necessary to establishing potential claims, protecting yourself against claims or enforcing claims; or for the duration of your objection to the processing of personal data.

The right to submit an objection

Marketing objection. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data with the purpose of conducting direct marketing messaging. If you use that right – we shall stop the processing of your personal data for that purpose.

Objection related to an extraordinary situation. You have the right to object to processing of your personal data based on a legitimate and justified interest for purposes other than direct marketing messaging. If such a situation arises you should demonstrate the extraordinary situation to us that provides a justification to stop the processing of your personal data to the extent to which you object to. We shall cease processing your personal data for such purposes, unless we are able to prove that the basis on which we process your personal data takes precedence over your rights, or if we establish that your data is required by us for the purpose of establishing claims, protecting ourselves against claims or enforcing claims.

The right to transfer data

You have a right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, popular format that can be machine-read. Moreover, you have a right to request that we send your personal data directly to a third party.

The right to complain to a supervisory authority

If you think we are processing your personal data contrary to the applicable laws, you can file a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Office of Poland

The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data

If your personal data was being processed with your prior consent you have the right to withdraw that consent. Withdrawing your consent shall not influence any previous instances in which we processed your personal data prior to the date of your consent withdrawal.

Information regarding the voluntary nature of providing information

The data you provide us is voluntary.

Depending on the situation in which EI can obtain your personal data, sometimes the disclosure of some personal data (described by EI as necessary) can be a condition for the successful conclusion of a contract with EI, including a private equity fund that would, directly or indirectly, be a counterparty to EI.

Disclosure of name and surname (company name), address and NIP number can be a statutory requirement and could be a necessary requirement for the preparation of documentation related to taxation purposes.

If any kind of messaging, requests, or applications are sent to EI (for example regarding EI’s business offer) then the disclosure of contact details is not a statutory requirement, contractual requirement or a condition for the conclusion of the contract, however the disclosure of personal is necessary to allow us to provide you with an answer.

Depending on the situation, a failure to provide some particular piece of information can make it impossible to conclude a contract with EI, use EI’s services, obtain correct tax documents from EI, receive EI’s offer, or receive EI’s answer to a message, complaint, intervention, or request that you have sent us.

Information regarding the data source

We obtained your data from the following sources:

  • from your public LinkedIn profile, or
  • from the internet website of your company, or
  • from an appropriate register.